Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Apple of my IPad.

Today Apple unveiled the IPad tablet.


THIS is my kind of supermodel. Sleek, thin, smart, and oh so fast. (FYI, I'm referring to the tablet, not Steve.)

Many believe the IPad represents the future of technology, the link between the smartphone and the laptop.
It weighs 1.5 lbs, measures 1/2 inch thick and has a 9.7 inch display. It can be used for web browsing, email, photos, music, e-books, among other tasks. (Au revoir le Kindle?)

It's powered by the A4 chip which was designed by Apple to thwart off competitors.

Unfortunately, like a supermodel, the IPad might be out of reach with prices ranging from $499-849.

Thus, just as I gaze upon the beauty that is Gabriel Aubry from afar, so will I with the IPad.
At least until Apple inevitably lowers the price in the next six months.